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Webinar bg rust for robotics 6

How to Get Started with Rust for Robotics

Wednesday, April 12

10 - 10:45 AM PT

What will you learn?

  • Tips for getting started & helpful resources
  • How to approach different architectures & designs
  • How to tackle integration challenges

Who should attend?

  • Engineers in robotics who are new to Rust
  • Robotics teams considering using Rust
Webinar bg rust for robotics 3

We're a Rust shop, through and through. We started with Rust from the very beginning, and – like a growing number of our peers in the world of robotics and autonomy – we believe it's now the best language to bring the stability and speed that these sophisticated systems need.

Brandon MinorCEO & Co-founder

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While Tangram Vision is a proud member of the Rust Foundation, the content of this webinar has not been reviewed or endorsed by the Rust Project or Rust Foundation.


Brandon Minor

As the CEO and co-founder of Tangram Vision, Brandon Minor is a passionate advocate for Rust - the language he believes is a perfect fit for full-stack robotics and perception development. Eager to spread the word and support its adoption, he's committed to serving as both an evangelist and a steward of the lanuague as it matures.